Peptide Repertoire-Based Anchor Motif

An application to define HLA binding motifs

PRBAM v1.0 Server identifies the anchor motif of MHC-I and HLA-DR molecules from lists of MHC-eluted peptides.

The program is based on the statistical analysis of the peptide lists obtained by MS after the purification of the peptide pools bound to MHC-I or HLA-DR molecules. The program consists in two modules, one for MHC-I and the other for HLA-DR.

For MHC-I, the analysis generates the anchor motifs of 8-, 9-, 10-, 11-, 12- and 13-mers. To find the HLA-DR core, the program processes the data using consecutive cycles of refinement based on the relative abundance of the residues present in each core positions found in the previous cycle. Thus, each cycle refines the previous one, generating a final frequency distribution of each amino acid in each anchor position.

PRBAM v1.0 generates different informative screens: 1) a graphical representation of the abundance of each amino acid in each core position regarding their abundance in the proteome; 2) the previous information in table format; 3) in the case of HLA-DR, a list with the selected core for each peptide and the corresponding score.